History: internet is made by expertise that been provided by the US government to their Army force especially in conducting machine and for investigation also to find information that related to the War.But today’s, war is not about using a weapon, but the power of people war in getting information.
• Large network that connects smaller networks globally
• The Internet was Launched in 1969
◦ National computer network
◦ US funded project called ARPANET
• World Wide Web or WWW was introduced in 1991 at CERN
Common Internet Uses
• Communicating
◦ Exchange e-mail
◦ Discussion Groups
• Online shopping
• Searching
◦ Virtual Libraries
• Entertainment
• Education or e-learning</span>
Common way to access the Internet is through a Commercial Internet
Service Providers (ISP)
◦ Regional Service Provider
◦ Wireless service providers
In New Zealand, there is already going forward making old pattern of library to the new digital era of library. For example Music library that provides service to its users such as with just saying the name of the song, the system inside library will help the users to get the result of the music that they searching for. There are expected in the future that internet is not only about text, but in later on it will be possibility in the words. Just saying out what we want for, the systems will work for us, something interest that will be given to users.
• Important needs. Main work is to translate computer language to normal language that people can understand. For additional information, Netscape is the most popular browser before, but a few month later after the arrival of new browsers like Yahoo and Google who giving the better service. And nowadays Google Chrome is the best search engine who offers more unique service.
• Programs that provide access to Web resources
• Allow you to surf the Internet
• Three well-known browsers
◦ Mozilla Firefox
◦ Apple Safari
◦ Microsoft Internet Explorer
◦ Google Chrome
• Address or location of the resource must be specified
• Browsers interpret HTML commands
◦ Hypertext Markup Language
◦ Contained in a document
• Display document as a Web page
• Uniform Resource Locators (URL).All URLs have at least two parts
1. Protocol
-its depend on what we choose to use for. Example http://, ftp://(specialist for downloading and sharing file but it is risky and dangerous because of the viruses.
-Example of Network Line, (.my , .com , .nu , .sg , .cdu)
2. Domain name
• Locates Web sites
E-mail, Instant messaging, Social Networking, Blogs microblogs & wikis
- Most popular Internet activity
- Types of communication
Electronic Mail (E-Mail)
Instant Messaging
Social Networking
1. Email
- This is evolution of using email. In the past mostly people using hotmail to communicate. Then Yahoo came out with more additional space. And also Google offering bigger space and maximum attachment.
- Basic parts:
1. Header
2. Address
3. Subject
4. Attachment
5. Message
6. Signature Line
2. Spam
- Sending email to user based on domain list name. For expertise, they don’t like in using this because it is important to user alert especially about financial items, it could lead to the leaking of personal information.
- Junk and/or unwanted Email
- Computer viruses or destructive programs are often attached to unsolicited email
- Spam blockers incorporate a myriad of approached to identify and control spam
- Spam blockers are also referred to as:
– Junk mail filters
– Anti-spam programs
3. Instant Messaging
- This is chatting online. We are only talk with the person based on the email that we have on the list. It also involve for video conference. Before it known as ICQ (I seek you). But now customer are focusing on the service that provided by Yahoo, especially Yahoo Messenger (YM).
- In European country, Skype are the popular application for instant messaging because it also providing calling and video conference for free, but not popular in Malaysia. The important use of this have been taking advantage from University in Europe, they communicate using this Skype without any telephone in communicate within members inside.
- Is an extension of email that provides direct, live communication between two or more people.
- Instant messaging programs also include:
– Video conferencing features
– File sharing
– Remote assistance
· Most widely used instant messaging services:
– AOL’s Instant Messenger
– Microsoft’s MSN Messenger
– Yahoo Messenger
4. Social Networking
· One of the fastest growing uses of the Internet and replacing using email.
· Three basic categories:
– Reuniting sites
– Friend of a friend sites
– Common interest sites
5. Blogs, Microblogs, and Wikis
- Web logs or blogs –postings that are timestamped and arranged with the newest item first
- Microblog – publishes short sentences
-Answer the question – What are you doing?
-Twitter is a microblog- all about users same to function of blog.
· Wiki – a Web site specially designed to allow visitors to fill in missing information. This is Web 2.0 where people able to share knowledge of something they want to.
Search Tools
Search engines, Metasearch engines, Specialized search engines.
1. Search Engines
· This is the main component in the internet that getting better and better in the future. This also because the important of search engine that allowed people to putting everything inside that. They are example to show the power of search engine is the saying, “people cant find you in the world,but google can do that”. For the search engine, the most important function is to bring result on what users are looking for.
· Example Google Chrome keeping memory on users search and this will bring better result to their customers. Searching mostly are based on “keyword”, that’s why it is very important in providing outcome of customers need. It also involve millions on result because of that computer science people are looking forward to improve search engine result in providing better for all users.
· Specialized programs to assist in locating information
· Types of searches
a. Keyword search
b. Directory search
2. Metasearch Engines
- Programs that automatically submit your search request to several engines simultaneously.
- The engine receives the results, eliminates duplicates, orders hits, and then provides the edited list to you
- Disadvantage: quite heavy in memory and bring result with slower speed.
- The variety of result may be not accurate.
3. Specialized Search Engines
- Programs that focus on subject specific Web sites
- Specialized sites can potentially save you time by narrowing your search
Electronic Commerce
B2C, C2C, Security
- Also known as e-commerce service that offer by Web 2.0.
- Buying and selling of goods over the Internet
- Business-to-consumer (B2C)
- Consumer-to-consumer (C2C)
- Web auctions
- Business-to-business (B2B)
1. Business to Business
- Involves the sale of a product or service from one business to another (B2B)
- Primarily a manufacturer supplier relationship
2. Business to Consumer
- Main function is to eliminate the middle chanels. In Malaysia, Ebay and are not quite popular compare to people in Europe.
- Fastest growing type of e-commerce
- Three most widely used B2C applications:
Online banking
Financial trading
3. Consumer to Consumer
4. Web Auctions
- “Facebook” and blog is the popular tools in Malaysia for this function.
- Consumer-to-consumer e-commerce (C2C)
- Similar to traditional auctions
- Types:
-Auction house sites
-Person-to-person auction sites
5. Security
- Payment methods must be fast, reliable, and secure
- Three basic options
-Credit card
-Digital cash